The book of Hosea

The Book of Hosea

What is the book of Hosea about?

The book of Hosea centers around the sin of Israel. They have forsaken God and blatantly worshipped false idols. Yes, through it all, God is compassionate and loving, willing to restore those who come back to Him. This relationship is mirrored in Hosea and his wife. 

This book tells us of Hosea's relationship with his prostitute wife, Gomer. Hosea was crazy in love with her and they ended up having a family. However, Gomer longed for the days of her past and surprisingly returns to her life as a prostitute!

God sends Hosea out to find her and bring her home and you would think he would have natural reservations about this and/or be warned by others to not do so but he obeys and brings her back to love her for the rest of his life.

Who wrote the book of Hosea?

The author of Hosea is Hosea himself.

Who is the audience?

Primarily the northern kingdom of Israel.

Timeframe Hosea was written:

Written sometime between 750-722 BC.

"In short" (One sentence summary):

The prophet's marriage to a prostitute is analogous to God's relationship with Israel.

Fun facts about Hosea/Did you know?

Gomer, Hosea's wife, had three children: Jezreel, Lo-ruhamah, and Lo-ammi. The first named after a massacre, the second meaning "not loved" and the third meant "not my people." Talk about negative names!
Hosea and Gomer
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